Institute for Social and Behavioral Science

Founded in 1979, the Institute for Social and Behavioral Science (ISBS) engages in community-centered research spanning the social and behavioral science disciplines. ISBS specializes in research relevant to public policy issues in the Central Florida region and beyond. To meet this end, ISBS employs various quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including, but not limited to, focus groups, interviews, and statistical analysis. ISBS clientele are diverse and include agencies that target health, violence, crime, food insecurity, homelessness, and other social problems. In this way, we advance the science that guides improving the lives of individuals, communities, and the broader population.

Current ISBS project include: 

Evaluating the Orange County IOPSSL grant

Serving as evaluators on a UCF NSF Catalyst grant

Evaluating the DOJ PORT grant with Orange County Drug-Free Office

Evaluating the impact of programming with Children's Home Society


ISBS Brochure

See examples of ISBS work